Month: June 2019

7 Ways Smartphones In Healthcare Are Becoming Vital

There’s a mobile revolution brewing from smartphones in healthcare.

According to the latest statistics, mobile health (mHealth) is expected to reach $21.71 billion by 2022. There are many factors that influence this market’s growth, but one of the most important is the adoption of smartphones and wearable devices into the healthcare industry.

Smartphones in healthcare will affect everyone, from patients to medical students, to traditional doctors and even the modern concierge doctor. Everyone uses a smartphone for health purposes. Here are just a handful of ways smartphones are becoming indispensable to the healthcare industry.

1. Enable patient monitoring

Before smartphones, patients had to come to the hospital for physical check-ups or, if they had just underwent surgery, remain hospitalized for a couple of days, so doctors can closely monitor their recovery.
For doctors, that meant seeing more patients on a hard to maintain schedule. On the flip side, patients were spending tens of thousands of dollars on hospital stays.

Smartphones have made it possible for doctors to remotely monitor their patients, so that patients are able to recover in their home comfortable and without a hefty hospital bill. It also frees up doctors’ time to allow them to better serve more patients, lowering their workload and increasing profits.

What’s more, software as medical device (SaMD) enables wearables to collect health data and send it in real-time to physician’s mobile device via wireless technology such as Bluetooth. This makes caring for chronically ill patients a lot easier and less expensive.

Receiving real-time data about important changes in someone’s heart rate or glucose levels, for example, allows doctors to quickly tweak their treatment and avoid a trip to the emergency room.

2. Facilitate learning for medical students

Gone are the days when medical students carried textbooks heavy enough to give them a chronic back pain. Nowadays, all they need is a smartphone and their favorite medical apps.

According to an article published in The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), over 70 percent of medical school students reported using at least one medical app regularly.

This percentage will only increase in the coming years, with more medical apps created daily. Some grant students instantaneous access to evidence-based medicine or test their diagnosis and treatment skills. Others help them stay up-to-date with industry trends, guidelines and medical literature.

Small enough to fit in a lab-coat pocket, smartphones have become a medical student’s best study companion. Learning to become a doctor is easier and more convenient than ever before, thanks to these devices’ ability to store all their studying materials in one place.

3. Improve clinical trials’ efficiency

Clinical trials are a vital part of medical innovations. And smartphones are helping streamline the way they are conducted.

With the steady rise of bring-your-own-device (BYOD) in healthcare, smartphones are becoming more prevalent in mobile-enabled clinical trials. In trials with large numbers of participants, having patients use their own smartphone or tablet for data collection can drastically reduce costs.

It can also improve data quality and increase compliance. Patients are more likely to record important health information in real-time with devices that never leave their sides, versus jotting it down on paper hours later.

And if they happen to forget to document their symptoms or take their medication — which is often required in clinical trials? Researchers can send patients SMS reminders.

4. Make healthcare accessible and convenient via telehealth

Mobile devices are making healthcare available to more patients, regardless of their budget or their location. The use of mobile technology in healthcare is called telehealth and it allows patients to get 24/7 doctor support for urgent care, psychiatry and other conditions at a fixed cost.

What’s more, studies show telehealth to be just as effective as in-office visits when it comes to diagnosis and treatment planning for chronic conditions, even for difficult to treat conditions like psoriasis.

The growing popularity of telehealth services didn’t go unnoticed by the biggest pharmacy chains. Last year, for instance, CVS Health launched MinuteClinic Video Visits, a telehealth service that gives patients with minor illnesses and injuries around-the-clock access to health services. All from their phones.

5. Empowering patients to manage complex diseases

For patients with cancer and diabetes, managing their condition can be a full-time job.

This is where smartphones come in handy, helping them stay vigilant about their lifestyle.

Patients with complex diseases rely on their mobile devices to schedule doctor appointments or measure their vitals. They also use their phones to lower stress through meditation.

Most importantly, smartphones help patients stick to their treatment plans. A recent study showed that patients with tuberculosis (TB) were more likely to take their medication, if they received support via smartphones versus face-to-face appointments.

6. An accurate self-diagnosis tool

It’s incredible how many health conditions can be diagnosed with a smartphone alone. No need for expensive or painful tests.

There are iPhone apps that can determine if someone is having a heart attack with the same level of accuracy as a medical electrocardiogram.

Others are capable of diagnosing anemia by analyzing photos of a patient’s fingernail beds. And elders can self-diagnose osteoporosis using their smartphone’s motion picture sensor.

Many medical conditions have subtle symptoms and can go undiscovered for years.

Thanks to their mobile devices, patients can now seek professional help — and receive proper treatment — before their health deteriorates.

7. Prevent administrative and medical errors

Mobile devices enable doctors to have access to medical records and critical lab results, in real-time, while at a patient’s bedside. This leaves little room for error.

In fact, one study showed that mobile devices cut medication administration errors by 61 percent and preventable medical errors by 46 percent.

Smartphones are also improving response times for emergencies such as seizures or cardiac events. A growing number of hospitals have integrated smartphone platforms that send phone alerts to nurses and clinical teams whenever patients need immediate assistance.

To keep up with the demand, smartphone manufacturers have launched devices specifically designed for hospital environments. Phones like the Zebra TC51 and the Honeywell Dolphin can endure a drop on the floor and they can come into contact with body fluids and still work perfectly. What’s more, they have a minimum number of seams, so as to keep germ absorption to a minimum.


It’s easy to see why iPhones are poised to become the new norm in healthcare. While there are lingering concerns surrounding the security of handling sensitive health data from mobile devices, smartphone manufacturers are working on developing features that ensure secure connectivity.  

In the end,  the pros of using mobile health (mHealth), and smartphones in particular, far outweigh the cons. This is why 40 percent of all hospital workers are expected to use a mobile device at work by 2020.

5 things that make a mobile app amazing

It’s no secret that mobile is the future. Fewer people now view content on laptops or computers and more and more now reach for their mobiles. We all know it’s much more convenient, and in May 2019, just over 41% of web traffic came from mobile devices.

So why do so many shy away from making their content mobile friendly? It’s imperative that your business gets up to date with mobile users to ensure you continue to attract custom as technology evolves.

Mobile apps will not only increase the demand for your product but profits, too – as you will be opening up your company to a whole new audience. You’ll have a competitive advantage, as customers are much likely to come to your business first if they know you offer an app which is easy for them to navigate and use on the go.

Showing you’re keeping up with the times and doing more to push your brand will get you recognized within your industry and show that you really mean business.

Now that we have you convinced, what should you actually include in your mobile app to make it stand out from the crowd and gain traffic?

Here are 5 things that make a mobile app amazing.

Knowing your target market

According to Digital Authority Partners, for every 10,000 mobile apps developed, only 1 will make a dent in the market while the other 9,999 will get lost in the crowd.

To avoid being part of that 99.9%, you need to make sure to conduct thorough research on your target market.

You need to make sure that your app is filling a gap in the market, either by addressing a problem or targeting a direct target audience.

A study from the Journal of Business Cases and Applications states that since 2009, the number of niche app stores has doubled annually, while the number of general app stores has decreased. This proves more than anything that users are bored of seeing the same apps rebranded, and want to see something fresh.

Using fresh, professional designs

If you’re looking to create an app that people will want to download and use, it’s important to not only consider what you want to achieve, but how it will actually look on-screen.

The likelihood is that if a user doesn’t find the app appealing, they will delete it and may even leave a bad review. This will leave all of your hard work in the gutter.

Focus on a color scheme and styles of imagery and text that suit and blend with your brand, then develop from there.

If you are looking to work with a developer, make sure they are familiar with your brand and know exactly what you are looking for.

Blog Writer advises working with a team that already has experience in your industry, and to ensure you receive a timeline for the work to watch over and manage your budget carefully.

Science Direct has used the app CAMPER Weather as a great use of design when it comes to mobile. The weather app is designed to put a smile on the user’s face, no matter the weather.

This is how the shoe brand has demonstrated its understanding of optimism: half imagination, half craft. The app uses vivid imagery and colors to bring its brand to the customer in a way that doesn’t feel invasive or pushy.

Creating a robust SEO strategy

It’s obvious that you can’t really create an SEO strategy for a native mobile app, however, you can push your website to effectively market and create leads towards it. Combo App claims this all starts by finding the best keywords that fit in with your brand, location, and what you’re marketing.

Google only starts to pick up SEO after 60 to 90 days, so it’s important you set up the right time frames to make sure your site will push your app at the time of launch. Creating content based on your app will also help to boost its rankings on Google and the traffic it gets.

Remember, it’s important to make sure your app is in the 1% that gets noticed and downloaded!

Using video

The attention span of the world is getting shorter and shorter. An infographic from Wyzowl even goes as far as to claim that the average adult attention span has gone from 12 seconds to 2000 to 8.25 seconds in 2005.

This means that apps now need fewer words and more video, especially when it comes to explainers and demos. Using video will keep the user much more entertained and more likely to stay on the app.

It will also ensure that they understand how to navigate the app without confusion. This is particularly important as those who can’t figure out how to use your product in a short amount of time are much more likely to give up and close down than to persevere.

Marketing to boast about your product

Your app may not make front page news, but for many technology websites, or even the business pages of a newspaper, your efforts to modernize your company and try something new will not go unrecognized.

Sending out press releases may seem like a lengthy process, but even if just one outlet decided to use it out of 50, you will have still increased the word of mouth surrounding your app and will probably attract more custom.

If your copy is easy to read and ready to go, titles are much more likely to use it. Make sure to find a clear angle to promote your content.

Whether that’s your business branching out or your new way to solve gaps in the market, people will want to know.

And if you don’t tell them, the likelihood is that they won’t find out.

This article comes from Michael Reddy @ Digital Authority Partners