Author: Tommy Wyher

How You Can Foster Employee Loyalty At Your Tech Company

The tech world seems to be full of people jumping from company to company trying to get ahead in their careers. Often times when people jump around like this it can hurt their career as companies looking to hire will see they lack employee loyalty. This cannot be place all on the worker as certain companies treat their employees far better than others. The internet has allowed people to voice complaints about their companies online which plenty of people review before going on an interview. Treating employees well in numerous ways can foster employee loyalty which will help the bottom line as training new employees can be a huge killer of cash flow depending on employee turnover. The following are ideas and tips to help improve employee loyalty at your tech company.

Comfortable Working Environment

Being able to wear anything you want or sit in a massage chair during breaks can give a comfortable feeling that will result in quality work. Flex hours also can be a huge deal as some people would rather come in early and leave early while others will enjoy a few extra hours of sleep. These hours are very convenient for people that might have an appointment or pick their kids up from school. Other things that foster comfort is an open office rather than being trapped in some kind of cubicle.

Stress On Company Culture

Hiring people that are going to get along is important as having friends at work can make communication far easier. Team building activities can only do so much if people do not have things in common outside of the workplace. Take the time to get to know people before hiring them as you might find that they could kill the atmosphere in the office. Employees usually do not understand how good they have it until a person with a negative attitude is hired.

Work From Home Privileges

Working from home is the best perk that many people can be given whether they are single without kids or have a family. Being able to work from anywhere allows a parent to spend more time at home and a single person to travel the world without having to miss out on work/pay.  With this being said those working from home should have production monitored with a time tracking software to make sure they are not just sitting around on days they work from home.

Competitive Pay and Bonuses

The above perk can be enough for people to take a lower salary but for the most part people want to be compensated fairly. Bonuses for high performers can help foster loyalty as people just want to be recognized plus a bonus check never hurts. Take the time to evaluate pricing for clients to see if you might need to raise them in order for raises in salaries not to impact the bottom line. Clients that are going to renew their contract due to the quality of work usually are willing to pay a little more to continue working together rather than spend the time that could potentially be a waste to find another contractor.

Using Technology To Get Into Great Health

Technology is not thought of when people talk about getting into shape besides the newest weight machines that target specific areas. The truth is that technology can be one of the best assistants for people that are looking to get into shape or simply live a healthier lifestyle. The following are ways that technology can assist you into getting healthier starting today!

Learning How To Get Healthier

The internet has so much information on healthy living that you could read for a lifetime and still not put a dent in it. Take the time to research the different ways to be healthier then put a plan into action. Healthy habits take a bit of time to make natural but it will be well worth it when you are living a higher quality life with more energy and mood. Another aspect to look at would be the environment around you. Dirty carpets and households are huge detriments to health, says this Carpet cleaning nyc cleaning agency.

Tracking What You Eat

Tracking what you eat can be done through writing it down but there are apps that will calculate calories. This will also tell you what you need to eat for a balanced diet. Do not underestimate the motivation an app can give a person. Find an app that has various options and custom settings so you can start dieting with a log that follows you around.

Assisting With Form During Exercises

While most people are not going to have technology that will spot them on a bench press there are other ways tech can help. For those people that do not have a budget for a personal trainer ask a workout partner or person at the gym to video your form. You might find that a small tweak will make your form perfect as you will see what corrections need to be made. Far too many times people simply nod in agreement when a trainer is giving them form tips. This allows them to make the changes on their own as they will understand what needs to change.

How Technology Can Help In Your Everyday Life

Technology has made it easier to connect with others around the world and that is a hard point to debate. A large portion of people are not using technology to its fullest potential but rather waste time surfing social media or reading mindless content. Technology can make life immensely easier if you know where to implement it. The following are areas that technology can help you live a better life.

Activity Trackers

There are a variety of activity trackers that do everything from count steps to telling you when to stand after a period of sedentary activity. This has made it easier than ever to get into shape as you have your own personal trainer with you. This can even allow you to see which foods you should eat after specific workouts. These activities trackers allow people to hold themselves accountable on daily basis.

Syncing Online Calendars

Syncing calendars can be the best thing that can happen for a busy family. Coordinating who is picking up who can be a nightmare especially if last minute changes occur. This can even help with work as you can set alarms as when you want to start on a certain project and put another aside. The online calendar can also be used personally to host parties or other events. Do not forget a big project, event, or meeting ever again with your online calendar.

Become Knowledgeable About Nearly Anything

The days of having to go to the library to finish a term paper might not be gone but the need to visit the library has reduced. The amount of knowledge that people are open to learn on a daily basis simply from a few search is immense. This allows people to become experts in certain areas that otherwise they would have never explored.

Keeping Your Kids and Entire Family Safe Online

The internet has changed the world in a variety of ways positively but there are negative aspects as well. The internet gives predators and criminals access to you that otherwise they would have had to come face to face with you or your children. Keeping the entire family safe online is important as family safety should be priority to any parent. The following are ways to keep your kids and family safe online.

Do Phone and Computer Checks

The inclination to look at things that you should not as a child or teen can be too much if they know their phone or computer will not be checked. Check the history on the phone or put a block on certain sites or a program that sends you the sites that were accessed that day. Phone checks are important as well as you do not want your child sending things that are explicit to boyfriends or someone posing to be a person of a certain age.

Keep Credit Cards Out Of Sight Of Children

One tactic that people use on the internet is telling children to give out credit card information. This could be from a predator blackmailing your child or a child being naive. Keep your children off of chat websites and monitor their social media accounts making sure only people of their age are following them or friends with them.

Educate Your Children On Safe Browsing

The best thing that you can do is sit down with your entire family to go over safe ways to browse the internet. These days, children love watching videos online. However, you should make sure that they watch safe and educational videos like these kls youtube songs. Let them know that they should do regular virus scans on their devices and dispose of them properly through computer recycling programs as the last thing anyone wants is personal information hacked and the device to end up in the wrong hands. This is time well spent when educating the family as it could help you all avoid a huge headache in the future.

Ways To Make Money From Home With Just a Computer and Internet Connection

The dream of many people is having the ability to work from home while making a decent living. This has now become a reality for a large number of people simply due to working on the internet. Finding jobs or projects to complete will not be as difficult as you might think. Platforms like that of Upwork offer jobs in areas like organization or even things like translating documents. This reduces the time spent looking for jobs and increases the time making money. The following are ways to make money from home with just a computer and internet connection.

Freelance Writing

Freelance writing can be extremely profitable as companies need a plethora of content in a variety of areas. Everything from blog posts to website copy can be assigned. Product descriptions are constantly in need as new products are debuted in the vast world of ecommerce. Finding consistent clients is not difficult if you have a high quality of work and communicate clearly. Great writing skills can be developed so take on lower quality content in order to hone your craft.

Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants can help people stay organized, proofread emails, or even remind a CEO about an upcoming meeting. These assistants can easily garner full-time work as people are willing to pay for someone that makes their life or job significantly easier. Those people with great communications skills and that stay organized are perfect for this role.

Web Design

Much like that of freelance writing there is a huge need for design help in nearly all industries. Plenty of web designers work from home and take on clients as they come. Other designers have a full-time job and work freelance simply to make more money or do projects they enjoy more. These skills are highly valuable and it is possible to get a full-time job that allows you to work at home.


Using Technology To Increase Productivity At Work

Technology has made life easier in a variety of aspects and one includes boosting productivity in a professional capacity. Increasing your productivity month after month can set you up for success in any career. In careers like sales this can lead to huge financial gain as things like improving pitches according to data collected through software can make a huge difference. The following are ways that technology can be used to increase productivity at work.

Screensharing Can Do Wonders For Design Projects

Before screensharing huge files had to be sent for people to understand the direction that a project was going in. A lot of people can tell you what they do not like but might have problems verbalizing exactly what they want. This makes it much easier to check in with a client to see if they have any tweaks. Helping the communication in a design project can allow for little to no editing to be done after completion which allows for other work to begin.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is an incredible thing as artificial intelligence can be used in a plethora of ways. Instead of a marketing team creating a strategy they can leave this to AI by collecting data for the machine to learn. The machine will translate this into something actionable which can save time and reduce mistakes as some people might translate data in the wrong way.

Never Forget A Deadline or Meeting

Not having to worry about what time it is due to a meeting approaching can make you more productive. Setting a few alarms can be best as some of us tend to silence their phone when in the middle of a tasks. Setting milestones on something like Google Calendars can allow for a project to stay on track and not be forgotten about. People have the tendency to forget about project deadlines in the future if there is an extremely pressing deadline approaching.

Technology That Can Be Used To Increase Customer Loyalty

Businesses that constantly retain customers whether it is a restaurant or marketing company set themselves up for success. Consistent clients allow a business to grow as they are not worried about cash flow. With the competitive nature of many industries one mistake can lead to a client going to a competitor if the right steps are not taken to remedy this. The following are ways technology can be used in order to increase customer loyalty.

Social Media

Social media is where plenty of people unhappy with service or products flock to voice their complaints. Responding to a complaint in a timely manner with full accountability can help retain a customer. Most angry patrons of a establishment want to be acknowledged and see the business trying to make it right. With a timely response and a discount on future visits or purchases can do just that.

Customer Relationship Management Platforms

CRMs or customer relationship management platforms can be a huge help as it allows for personalization when speaking to a client. This could be something as simple as noting this person does not like to communicate on the phone and would rather use email. Small details about clients should be noted as they can be invaluable if a new client manager is assigned to their account.

Video Conferences

Doing video conferences on a regular basis not only can offer a much more personal touch than a phone call but it can do other things. This can make it easy to recognize clients at industry functions like that of a trade show. People want to feel valued so picking out a client in a group of hundreds of people can do just that. There are plenty of free platforms so start doing project recaps via these platforms as you can do things like screenshare if need be.

Tech Security Tips For a Small Business

The importance of IT technology and security for a small business is increasingly important with the growth of hackers looking for any customer or employee data that they can get their hands on and sell. The leaking of data can cripple a small business as it could alienate both their small and large clients. The last thing that a company or client wants when entering into business together is having to worry about banking and personal information being hacked. The following are tips to help keep data secure at your small business.

Keep Passwords Need To Know Only

Nothing is worse than an employee that has gotten terminated trying to get revenge on their former company. For this reason passwords should be changed if a person is fired just to be safe. The last thing that you want is an employee causing the company to lose business due to damaged relationship from a leak of information.

The Company Website Should Sacrifice Ease of Use For Security

If running an ecommerce business making the site as easy to use as possible can help increase sales. Do not for any reason sacrifice security during the checkout process as this is when valuable information is inputted. Keep security priority while ease of use should be worked on but not at the cost of security being weakened.

Do Periodic Virus Scans For The Entire Staff

Whether you want to believe it or not plenty of staff take their computers home and do personal business/browsing. This can lead them to certain parts of the internet that might be rampant with viruses and malware. Take time before a monthly staff meeting to have everyone scan their computers as you do not want them scanning during peak production hours. These scans can allow a company to see where viruses are and how they were planted into the system. Scans weekly or monthly can be a huge help for those suffering frequent hacks.

Internet Security For Home And Small Office

Proland Software Launches Internet Security for Home and Small Office
These products with its powerful anti-virus and internet security engines protects your data from various forms of malware and virus attacks

Bangalore, June 17 2013: Proland Software, a well establish anti-virus product developer, today announced the launch of its two very powerful anti-virus and internet security solutions for both home and small office. The product will be available both online and off-line at the price of Rs 499 for single user and Rs.1399 for 3 user licenses (prices applicable in India only)

Today’s Internet requires a whole new approach to security. Almost everything is interconnected and taking place in real time. And that includes threats. To be effective, security software must be constantly alert for new forms of deviousness. New types of threats require new forms of protection. Mass-distribution viruses and worms are giving way to profit-driven attacks designed to steal identities, money, and other valuable electronic commodities through phishing and social engineering. Proland’s Protector Plus Internet Security Solutions in a single integrated product delivers customized protection and total reliability.

The Protector Plus Internet Security is available in two variants i.e., For Home and For Small Office.

Key Features of Internet Security for Home are

  • Active Safe browsing
  • Unique Proactive Protection
  • Active Web Blocking for parental control
  • Specially designed Entertainment Mode for gaming
  • Real time Anti- Virus protection
  • Highly effective Anti-spam engine

Key Features of Internet Security for Small office are

  • Advanced firewall
  • Proactive protection for business operations
  • Sensitive data lock
  • Anti-spy
  • Smart-Scan technology

Other Key Benefits include

  • Anti-Malware module with greater detection accuracy
  • Two-way firewall for secure network connections
  • Proactive Protection module to preemptively block unknown and zero-day threats
  • Smart Decision technology to facilitate secure decision-making
  • Web control with fast web content filtering to protect your PC from web-borne threats
  • System and Applications Guard to keep installed software and OS protected
  • Self-protection technology to maintain continuity of protection
  • The 4th generation of Smart-scan optimization technology for fast subsequent malware scans
  • USB virus protection to prevent malware which spreads via USB devices
  • Program activity tracker to review file and registry activity in real time
  • Entertainment mode (for games and video) and Auto-Learn 2.0 (for beginners)

Added Features

  • NEW! Full Windows 8 support
  • IMPROVED! Extended HIPS in PPIS 64-bit

About Proland Software:
Proland Software has over nineteen years of experience in designing, developing and supporting antivirus software products for Windows OS. Protector Plus, its leading brand of antivirus products, is well-known throughout the world, and has users in over 100 countries.

A 30 day trial version of the new Protector Plus Internet Security products for Home and Small office is now available and can be downloaded here:

This trial software should be used for the purpose of evaluation only. Licensed version of Protector Plus has to be ordered for continued usage after the trial period. It is illegal to continue using this trial copy beyond the evaluation period without ordering it.

Proland Software Partners With Agnitum

This partnership will bring cutting edge security suite technology for Protector Plus Internet Security clients

St. Petersburg, Russia — May 17, 2013. Agnitum, the PC security expert and manufacturer of the Outpost range of security products, is glad to announce a partnership with India-based security software provider Proland Software.

Proland’s customers may now take advantage of the acknowledged Outpost antivirus, proactive protection and firewall as part of Proland Software offering.

Proland will be front-ending the sales, marketing & customer support, and Agnitum will extend the Technology support.

Agnitum is one of the leading technology licensors in the security industry. Its technologies are being currently employed by top market players. The company has provided flexible opportunities for third-party licensing, offering antivirus, firewall or proactive protection modules either as a rebranded solution or based on the SDK since the year 2000. Among the major benefits offered by Agnitum’s licensing program are best-of-breed preventive mechanisms, native compatibility with both 32- and 64-bit Windows, reduced time-to-market, and smooth operation of the technology core in a third-party environment.

Proland Software has over nineteen years of experience in designing, developing and supporting antivirus software products for Windows OS. Protector Plus, its leading brand of antivirus products, is well-known throughout the world, and has users in over 100 countries.

“Agnitum’s security technology has enriched our product offering with brand-new Windows 8-compatible security. We are positive that this technology partnership will be beneficial for both sides and will provide Proland customers with the most reliable and lightweight protection on the market”,

Comments: Sundar Rajan,

Manager at Proland Software.

About Agnitum
Founded in 1999, Agnitum Ltd. ( has been committed to delivering and supporting high-quality, easy to use security software for over a decade. Agnitum’s commercial solutions for the home market are Outpost Firewall Pro and Outpost Antivirus Pro, securing personal and family computers; and Outpost Security Suite — an all-in-one Internet security solution. Dedicated to global e-security, Agnitum also offers free versions of Outpost Firewall and Outpost Security Suite to secure users’ system, network connections and critical data. Outpost Network Security ensures centrally-manageable endpoint protection and reliable performance for SMBs, and Outpost Antivirus Service provides antivirus protection via monthly subscription to 150,000 ISP subscribers.

For more information and to request review copies of Outpost Pro, please contact:
Agnitum International PR

About Proland Software
Proland Software is an acknowledged provider of antivirus solutions, manufacturer of Protector Plus product range, known over the world for their efficiency and reliability. Protector Plus Antivirus Software is available for Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and NetWare platforms. Protector Plus Antivirus Software is the optimal antivirus protection for PCs against all types of malware like viruses, trojans, worms and spyware.