Businesses that constantly retain customers whether it is a restaurant or marketing company set themselves up for success. Consistent clients allow a business to grow as they are not worried about cash flow. With the competitive nature of many industries one mistake can lead to a client going to a competitor if the right steps are not taken to remedy this. The following are ways technology can be used in order to increase customer loyalty.
Social Media
Social media is where plenty of people unhappy with service or products flock to voice their complaints. Responding to a complaint in a timely manner with full accountability can help retain a customer. Most angry patrons of a establishment want to be acknowledged and see the business trying to make it right. With a timely response and a discount on future visits or purchases can do just that.
Customer Relationship Management Platforms
CRMs or customer relationship management platforms can be a huge help as it allows for personalization when speaking to a client. This could be something as simple as noting this person does not like to communicate on the phone and would rather use email. Small details about clients should be noted as they can be invaluable if a new client manager is assigned to their account.
Video Conferences
Doing video conferences on a regular basis not only can offer a much more personal touch than a phone call but it can do other things. This can make it easy to recognize clients at industry functions like that of a trade show. People want to feel valued so picking out a client in a group of hundreds of people can do just that. There are plenty of free platforms so start doing project recaps via these platforms as you can do things like screenshare if need be.