Money-Saving Strategies when you are between jobs
When you find yourself between jobs it is important to quickly engage all money saving strategies so that you are able to pay your bills and focus on acquiring a new job. While working you should always try to put 20% of your paycheck into your savings account. This will accumulate over time and work as a reserve if you find yourself unemployed. By having some money in your savings account you will be able to pay your bills and fully immerse yourself in your job search.
If you have not been able to build up a savings account that will float you between jobs then you’ll need to follow these tips:
- Cut all extras from your expenses
- Contact your utility providers and seek out better rates
- Only purchase necessities
- Become more aware of all spending
By cutting all extra’s from your expenses you will immediately see a reduction in monthly spending. This would include cutting any subscriptions you may have, eliminating cable and suspending gym memberships. Another great way to save money is to practice energy efficiency in your home, your utility bill is typically one of the higher household bills so by conserving energy you can save a little each month on your Oncor Energy costs. While focusing on saving during unemployment it is important to only purchase necessities and become aware of all spending. The necessities purchased should be on sale and coupons will help further reduce their price.
Tips for s smooth transition back into the workforce
When you find a new job and are beginning the transition back into the workforce you should not jump right back into your previous spending habits. This is the time to rebuild your savings account and focus on reconnecting any extras that you may have had to do without for a bit. You will also need to be extra aware of the fact that many companies do have a probationary period for the first 30 to 90 days.
Pay attention to your job and learning the new aspects of it. Put in extra time if necessary and build client relationships that will help make you a vital asset to the new business. Remember that life is about balance and now that you can work again you should also focus on your mental and physical well-being as well. You just experienced an extreme mental low then high and balancing after unemployment and employment once again will require focus through the transition. Remember to still participate in your favorite activities whether it be working out, walking, reading or spending time with friends and loved ones. A balanced work and home life will help you feel more successful and focused.
Resume and Job Interview Tips
Giving yourself an advantage above other job applicants starts with your resume. A well designed and easy to read resume will stand out from a stack of boring and lengthy resumes. During a competitive job market hundreds of people can apply for the same position. If you have not updated your resume in the past year it will be beneficial to take an online resume building refresher course. There are several resources such as local libraries, colleges and community centers that offer resume building and rebuilding tips and strategies. The resume is only the first step of applying for a job. Once the potential employer contacts you for an interview you will want to brush up on your skills before the actual interview. Some businesses conduct informal phone interviews before scheduling in person interviews. Make sure you research the business and have a firm understanding of what the job will entail. Many employers will also inquire about your life and personal hobbies. Have a brief but informative explanation of how you spend your free time as well. This shows employers that you have a healthy balance in your work and personal life. Once you move on to the in person or zoom meeting you will want to look presentable. Make sure you have a good night of rest the night prior and appear refreshed and ready to answer any questions the interviewer may have.
Do not let unemployment get you down. Remember that when one door closes, another often opens. Stay open-minded and ready to step into the next chapter of your life.